
Zameczek Myśliwski Promnice (5)
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The Hunting Lodge in Promnice

Zameczek Promnice

The forests of Pszczyna – carefully tended and preserved, mainly thanks to two owners of the Pszczyna Castle estates, Friedrich Erdmann, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen-Pless, and Hans Heinrich XI von Hochberg – were abundant in wild game and birds. Erecting the Hunting Lodge of Promnice located in the village of Kobiór on Lake Paprocany was closely associated with the hunting passion of the Counts von Hochberg, and to enable reception of highly eminent guests invited to shooting parties organised in the Pszczyna Forest. The Lodge was visited i.a. by Wilhelm I Friedrich Ludwig von Hohenzollern and by Wilhelm II. It was also a favourite recreation spot with Hans Heinrich XV von Hochberg’s wife – Mary Therese Cornwallis-West (Princess Daisy von Pless).

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