
Stajnie Książęce w Pszczynie
W BLASKU. Wystawa etykiet zapałczanych ze zbiorów Wojciecha Krzanowskiego
Stajnie Książęce w Pszczynie
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The Prince's Stables in Pszczyna

The Prince's Stabes in Pszczyna

The oldest piece of information about the stables located nearby the Pszczyna Castle comes from a local urbarium dating back to 1629.

  • The existing Prince’s Stable buildings were constructed in the second half of the 19th century, when Pszczyna lands were in the command of the Hochbergs, according to the designs prepared by Olivier Pavelt.
  • The Carriage House was built in 1864, the stables and the tack room in 1866-1867, while the construction of the riding arena commenced in 1869.
  • Masonry garages for nine cars belonging to the Prince were built between 1904 and 1910.


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